Hi, I am Nikita!

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Click here to download my CV and check out my portfolio to see my work.

About me

I am Applied ML Scientist working on the frontier of research and business. With PhD in ML and certified AWS expertise, rich experience in diverse areas of ML, and strong communication and public talking skills, I am passionate about using AI to solve challenging business problems and create value.

Currently, I work at AWS, where I design and build cutting-edge Generative AI and ML solutions to solve diverse business problems across industries. My team interacts with large-scale customers to identify, design, build and deploy high-value custom and reusable AI use cases. Before AWS, I completed my PhD at the Humboldt University of Berlin, where I worked on ML applications for credit risk analytics in collaboration with Monedo.

In my free time, I enjoy playing beach volleyball and challenging myself in ML competitions.

About this website

This website hosts my blog, where I share ML tutorials, competitive ML tricks, and interesting project findings. All opinions published here are my own. The website includes different sections featuring my work:

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